Saturday, July 18, 2020

"Smell the Sea ~ Taste the Sky ~ Let Your Soul&Spirit FLY"

Not what we envisioned for our Summer ~~~
              facemasks, six-feet-apart

SUMMER, especially for my family&me, usually means getting to ESCAPE to The Cape, visiting family! Ever since 2012, it has meant that one Sunday in August, we'd be venturing to our beloved home-away-from-home to cheer on my big sister, Courtney & rest of Team BIA-MA as they *floated~along* the shoreline in the
Falmouth Road Race! 

 It has been ten-years since my injury; and I'm certain that I wouldn't be where I am without BIA-MA! Honestly, I can't think of an organization more deserving/worthy of some *extra* help. 

Courtney's Fundraising-Page

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

}~>LiONS Know NO Boundaries<~{

Throughout these scary&uncertain days the whole world is facing, we could all use a respite of some sort. 
What better "escape" than to bring a mini mask-wearing LiON into the mix!?!
We MENDON LIONS currently have two temporary "Visitors/Teachers" ~~                            Lilo & Lucas

LUCAS was my house-guest for a couple days... DoRYBLue didn't really know what to make of him!!
 Isn't it kind of whimsical, if you will, that a figurine can be that "mood-boosting" example we all are seeking-out?!?


Saturday, April 18, 2020

Not Just My *SOCCER~NUMBER* ... 10{Years} !!!

~>BEAST #10<~

I "owned" that title all throughout my 4-years of
Varsity-Soccer! Now, on this date: April 18, 2020 ~
I'm looking at my Soccer number a little differently.

Most, if not all of you, know my story; so I won't go into it here&now!

It has been ten years of ups and downs {physically&cognitively};
Triumphs and Setbacks;
Laughs and Tears {bunches of both}!!

Ten years of fighting to reclaim my identity,
while also sculpting-out a "new" one. 
Meeting such influential individuals, like our MA Senator Harriett Chandler, while advocating for Survivors&Caregivers!

Friday, March 6, 2020

MARCHing Forward

Ready for my *CLOSE~UP* !! 
MiLfordTV’s Studio was a perfect place to “Kick-Start”
                Brain Injury Awareness Month


Usually, I'm on the other-side of this Studio {unless I'm in Yoga-clothes}.
            This shoot, I was 
was everywhere!!

The month of March is Brain-Injury Awareness Month.
Over at the BIA-MA, we see this month as especially important!

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

LiONS in *Wonderland*

“If I had a World of my own, everything would be nonsense!”

Alice surely gives us many “quotable” moments throughout her journey in Wonderland. How very fitting, then, that we Mendon Lions hosted the 2020 MidWinter Conference, under the direction of our Governor, *Flower~Lady* Colleen Oncay!!

Not only were the decorations *MAGiCAL*, but the way the entire Weekend was facilitated ~ WoW!! One of the special parts of it was the attention to mindfulness&meditation with marvelous MarshashanaYoGa ~

~{Just 1-month shy of her 101st Birthday, 
   Lion Millie smiles with International Director, Justin Faber}~
I appreciate so many aspects of being a LiON, namely the variety! Not just within our Membership,
 but also our causes.
We were fortunate enough to be joined by Boston Renegades Beep Baseball players Rob & Teigan!!
This was 
“wicked -awesome” for me, since I had already stepped-up to the plate at the 2014 AbilitiesExpo in Town, so we were able to bond over that experience. 

~~> “What is HEROISM <~~

Especially in today's day&age, it seems that we are always in need of and seeking-out HEROES.
Now, I'm not talking about the ones we see in the *BiG~SCREEN~FiLMS* ... Our Youth-Speech Contestants certainly understood the weight behind this year's prompt.

Far too often, we are bombarded with stories of the
"Younger-Generation" disrespecting law-enforcement officers and/or members of our military. Goodness-Gracious did these teens prove those stories wrong!!

We listened to well articulated points-of-view from four students within our District. Honestly, I thought each one of them earned "1st-Place"!! 

"Lions don't have to roar. There is power in silence, confidence, and persistence. Those who work don't talk, and those who talk don't work... Focus your time, energy, and activity on mastering and executing a plan!"