Friday, April 18, 2014


1,460… That’s quite a LARGE, >daunting< number, isn’t it? 

That quantity represents the amount of days it has been since I almost lost my life. FOUR-YEARS to the day [April 18, 2010]. The past four years have been filled with some of the hardest, most frustrating situations I could ever imagine.

Yet, amidst the annoyance, anger, and sadness,
I have also discovered 
self-actualization, pride, and joy.

I have been afforded the opportunity to, in the words of Robin Roberts, “make my MESS my MESSAGE” through my work with the Brain Injury Association of Massachusetts’ Think-A-Head Program as a Survivor Speaker. I have met and become incredibly close with individuals whom I never would’ve had the pleasure of being acquainted with if I had never sustained the invisible injury that is TBI.

Is my life different than it was before my injury?
Yes, of course it is. 

But would I change the path I’m now on as a result of my injury? NO-WAY!


Sunday, April 13, 2014

Small step toward a big dream . . .

The other day, I had the pleasure of attending "How to Navigate the Federal Job Application Process".  Taking place at the beautiful FDR visitor’s center, this seminar opened my eyes to and broadened my knowledge of the various career opportunities in the federal landscape. A miniscule step toward my ultimate career, it was a day of gathering information, listening to and interacting with different keynote speakers and fellow coeds.  Although positions such as those presented today are not necessarily my “dream job”, they could serve as valuable stepping stones toward.  You never know where an opportunity might lead – it’s important to keep all doors open and not to pigeon-hole yourself into one specific category!  

Wednesday, April 2, 2014


Last night, I was lucky enough to be a featured guest on *MCTV:LIVE*!!!

It was fabulous, to say the least. This was my first time being a guest on the show, and what an incredible experience it was. Not only did I get to share a little piece of my story, but I also was able to witness, first-hand, what a live taping looks, sounds, and most importantly, feels like! 

So, without further adieu... here's the link!!!