Tuesday, November 26, 2019

*~ }SPoOoKY{ + FUN HaLLoWeeN ~*

I am NOT a fan of scary, grotesque things. So, when I learned that I would be the Reporter on-scene for
Milford Youth Center's Haunted House Halloween Party,
I was hesitant, but also excited! 

*{Envision DoRY at the DROP-OFF!!}*

Now, the *only* part of this piece I was not "in-charge" of was the videography. 
Every thing else, from the "sound-check" to the camera-angles, was *MiNE* !!

< ~~~~~~    I am quite PROUD to present < ~~~~~~ 


Saturday, August 24, 2019

~^~FLoatin' on the Ocean~^~

New England -born author extraordinaire, Henry David Thoreau, once remarked: “The sea-shore is a sort of neutral ground, a most advantageous point from which to contemplate this world.” 

The *HiGHLiGHT* of our Summer: Falmouth Road Race
... came&went just like the waves of that beautiful ocean! 

>*GiRL~PoWeR*< this year!!! All 10 of our
Runners were Strong, Determined DOLLS!! 




Running for all those who cannot. With full hearts, steady legs, and that beautiful coastline guiding them to the finish-line!!








Monday, July 1, 2019

Putting the *HOPE* in ~Hopedale~

It is always special to see Community coming 
together towards a common goal. What’s even more poignant is to be an active PART of that Unity! 

On Saturday, June 15th, I was able to bare 
witness to and actively enjoy a beautiful day, 
surrounded by new&old friends alike at the 
Hopedale Country CLub! The reason for this 
festivity? The 2nd Annual PAR-3 for my Sister’s “fund” to run the FaLmouth Road Race as a member of Team BIA-MA was brought to another level. Actually, it was double the excitement, since not only did it involve my family, but 
we had the Ferrelli Family alongside us! 

Speaking of having folks support you, we were completely blown-away by the generosity of local businesses and their willingness to contribute to our raffle-table!!

Image result for alone we can do so little

Truly making it a *DYNAMiC~Day* for me, was that I was able to utilize the equipment, along with my training from Milford TV , to create my 1st News-Package!!