Paul Newman was once quoted, saying:
"Make sure you live life, which means don't do things where you court celebrity, and give something positive back to our society."
... Talk about a man who "practiced what he preached"!
Once again, my Mom&I were graciously invited down to
The Hole in the Wall Gang Camp's Annual Christmas~Party by the incomparable Mr. Ray Lamontagne.
Once again, my Mom&I were graciously invited down to
The Hole in the Wall Gang Camp's Annual Christmas~Party by the incomparable Mr. Ray Lamontagne.
We excitedly entered *Santa's~Workshop*, ready for a day of fun, faith-restoring memories.
We remained humbled throughout the entire day. Seeing these young children, some in wheelchairs, others utilizing other types of assistive-devices, with their families "in-tow" ... and, you know what?
Did we see one frown, or witness a
single temper-tantrum !?
single temper-tantrum !?
NO, we did not!
We were able to chat, and take a few pictures, with Ray!
{Clearly, this is not in any way/shape/form a *Glamour~Shot*, as Mom&I are donning our silly head-accessories we had received at one of the stations!}
If only every person, "able-bodied" or not, could experience this camp, even just once. Surely we could learn more than a few things, not just about the real "reason for the season", but about LIFE !!! Especially with all of the most recent atrocities occurring throughout not only our country, but the entire world. Wouldn't it be a more than welcome "change-of-pace" to view stories like this on the Nightly-News?!