Wednesday, August 26, 2015

/-|Walk|-\ and ~RoLL~ for Brain-Injury!!!

Who wants to hear some exciting news?! Well, allow me to be the one to inform you... The fabulous folks over at the Brain Injury Association of Massachusetts are hosting our first-annual "Walk and Roll" for Brain-Injury!

Clever name, isn't it? ;~}
Well, I can promise you this right now: the event is going
to be just as ~fun and fit~ as the name implies!!!

Sandra Madden, our Special-Events Coordinator, has pioneered the entire day. This is her first event in this new position; it would not have been possible, or even initiated without her. So, please join me in a little
Alpha Sigma Tau custom:

Can we give some *SNAPS* to Sandra!? 

Speaking of the necessity to dole-out some "snaps"...
As if their in-kind food donations and allowing us to utilize their stadium wasn't enough, FSU's very own Radio-Station, WDJM, will be there, not only to make announcements and offer-up their microphones for speaking, but also to
   >BUMP< those *BEATS* !!!   

Join us, won't you?? Now, I'm going to channel my inner
Elle Woods {from Legally Blonde}, but just switch-up one of
her lines: 

"Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy... Happy people are just way more *FUN* than
sad people... they just are!!!" 

Sunday, August 9, 2015


You know how this year [2015], has been filled with "Milestones" for me? Well, here's another one: Five years ago, I underwent the third&final surgery on my brain, to move the bone-flap out of my abdomen, and place it back inside my head (which we so appropriately deemed "the BIRTH of 'Skull~Baby'"!!)

{SKULL~BABY~TWINS!!! Sally Beach, way sweeter than a peach!

Performed by my second, incredibly adept Neurosurgeon, 

Dr. Mark Johnson, at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston, this operation moved the bone-flap out of my abdomen, and placed it back into my skull, since the swelling had finally ceased. 

{Obviously, this photo was not taken immediately after final-operation... but there he is ~ my Second Brain_Angel!} 

Among many other factors, obviously including the first-responders, my surgeons, therapists, family, and friends... 

I would have to say that my *FAiTH* has given me strength and, most especially, hope! 

{My "Faith is a Victory" Precious~Moment} 

Everyone, take a few minutes to enjoy a song which is, without a doubt, one of the best descriptors of my journey with TBI!